Vet Nurse
Animal CareersVet Nurse
By Ben Waterworth
A lot of younger people growing up will put it on their career trajectory to become a vet. This usually will stem from an inner love of all animals and the urge to help out as best as they can. A lot of people will then at some stage want to become a nurse and help out people, and fuel the fire inside them that wants to be of assistance. Well it is possible to combine both passions and become a veterinarian nurse, as they are just as important and vital in our community as vets and humans nurses. And it's a pretty simple explanation when it comes to what a vet nurse actually does. If you are thinking of how to work with animals, you can check out some animal care courses, such as vet's course.
Put it simply, a vet nurse is there to provide assistance to the veterinarian in treating animals as well as being an information source to customers in the surgery. They also provide a level of cleaning, sterilising and general care to look after the animals during their recovery. It's a fantastic industry to get into if you love animals and want to help them out but don't necessarily have the urge to go through the hard yards on becoming a full vet. The first point of call for you if you are keen on becoming a vet nurse should be to contact your local vet directly. Of course they aren't going to offer you a job on the spot, but they can be a great source of information in telling you how to follow your dream and work with animals of your choice. You can meet a vet nurse in person and ask them as many questions as you need to, and you can even ask to observe them in action to see how the industry really works.
By doing this it really shows a lot of initiative as well as making you contacts within the industry which will help you out in the long run. The vets themselves could offer you some volunteer work around their surgery which could help give you an inside work into how a vet surgery is run as well as giving you a chance to work closer with animals to get you used to that if it's something you aren't entirely familiar with. You will also find a lot of vet surgeries advertise positions internally so it will also allow you to find out about positions as they become available if you are already doing some form of work within the surgery.
The best option however to ensure you can get your foot a lot further in the door than you would otherwise is to do a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing at your local school, TAFE, University or even online. By gaining such a qualification you will learn everything you need to know about the profession as well as gain a suitable qualification that will get you a job. After you have gained your qualification you can then contact specific recruitment agencies that deal with finding veterinarian careers in order to get yourself started and gain yourself a job. These agencies only deal in the veterinarian industries so you can be rest assured that their focus will be entirely on the career you want to find yourself.
As with any job you should always remain focussed and committed to the task you set yourself, as you cannot gain the right qualifications and jobs if you slack off and find yourself being lazy about it. It takes a lot of hard work and study to become a vet nurse and you should never dismiss doing volunteer work along the way, no matter how pointless it seems. Even walking a dog once a week for your neighbour or stopping a dog from jumping up can go along way in giving you experience with animals to help you gain further employment.
Always keep your eyes open for potential opportunities that may arise in which you can gain further chances with working with animals and you will soon find your CV filling up and making you all the more attractive for a vet nurse job down the line!