Animal Jobs for Students
Animal Jobs for Teens and Students
Just out of High School, or looking for work experience during your Australia university holidays? Get paid for your love of animals. Part-time jobs with animals and pet care services is not only fun and enriching, but may lead to future career opportunities.
Dogs at Day care
While dog-walking has evolved into a thriving industry, so has the idea of day care for dogs. While people are at work, their beloved dogs are out having fun at in groups at specialised dog day care centres. While working with dogs, your duties may include grooming, feeding and dog walking. You may work as a dog-sitter as well.
Animal Shelters
Did you know that socialising with dogs and cats makes them more adoptable? Animals need friendship and social interaction as well as food, shelter and health care. Working with animals at your local shelter may provide animals in your area with a greater chance of finding a home.
Hippo-cratic Oath
There are specialized animal jobs to give you a head start in your career. Start your vet science career with a paw in the door. As a vet’s receptionist or staff assistant, you will learn how a vet clinic works. You will get behind-the-scenes knowledge of a day in the life of a vet – stuff you won’t find in your textbooks!
Not all your neighbours will be able to perform dog walking jobs for their fluffy pets, perhaps due to work hours or disabilities. Provide a local, trustworthy and regular dog-walking jobs, and your neighbourhood popularity will soar. You can also work with dogs by being one of the caring dog-sitters.
Squeaks and Treats
Try retail work at a popular pet shop: retail experience will bring you face to face with customers, and their pets. Try some leading pet-friendly outlets, such as Pet Barn to get a suitable pet job. You will gain significant product knowledge about the latest pet health treatments and gain on the job knowledge about the business of domestic animals.
Hot Shots and Cute Couture
Taking photos of people’s pets sounds easier than it looks. If you love getting behind a camera, capturing an animal’s “personality” can be a magical moment even while working as a pet-sitter cum house-sitter. Another self-starter initiative option to work with animals is garment design. If you are a crafty type and enjoy creative design, start your own fashion brand of doggie ponchos and jackets.
Horsing Around
Extra hands are always needed at equestrian centres. Exercising and grooming horses are daily pet jobs in the stables. So is the less glamorous job of mucking out stalls: but for great experience in the animal care industry, you have to start somewhere.